Our politics is broken both at a national level and here in Redditch. The two main parties bicker with each other and forget why they were elected in the first place – to serve their local communities. I can’t be critical of them if I’m not willing to do something myself. This is why I am standing to be a councillor here in Batchley and Brockhill.
About Sara
Sara is 36 and has lived in Redditch for the last 19 years. She lives with her husband and their cat and dog and is an Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer of a fleet solutions company. Read on to find out more.
Sara is 36 and lives in Redditch with her husband and their pet cat and dog, Honey and Narla. She moved to Redditch 19 years ago after growing up in Birmingham and since moving here has worked as an Executive Assistant across a number of sectors including care and financial services. She currently works as the Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer of a fleet solutions company.
Sara’s time working in the care sector has had a big influence on her politics, “working in the care sector really shocked me. People were being forced to sell the homes to receive sub-standard care and the stories of abuse that came into the business were heart breaking. People in care deserve to be treated with dignity and have their needs met in full. It is a scandal that the social care system in this country is broken”.
She got into politics because she is frustrated by the current political landscape and firmly believes that she has to be the change she wants to see. “Our politics is broken both at a national level and here in Redditch. The two main parties bicker with each other and forget why they were elected in the first place – to serve their local communities. I can’t be critical of them if I’m not willing to do something myself. This is why I am standing to be a councillor here in Batchley and Brockhill."
Sara is also passionate about people having access to good quality local green space and ensuring that it is protected for generations to come. “I love taking walks around Redditch. We are blessed with some beautiful parks, plenty of trees and greenery and we need to not only preserve it but make it as accessible as possible, both now and for future generations.
In her spare time, Sara enjoys travelling and is a craft beer enthusiast.